Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Back at home

Greetings all - the 2010 Nigeria team, plus 1 and minus 1 is back at home as of 2:40 pm this afternoon. It was quite the sight for the "plus 1" member of our team, Hassan Styskal to be greet at the airport by his new big sister and former Otutuluian, Hannah! Also at the airport was a more familiar face, that of Lydia Vonderhaar. They both pointed at each other as if to say, "Hey, that's one of my kind of people!"

Our "minus 1" is Renee Leachman, who was able to change her itinerary so as to take care of Nigerian adoption paperwork and appointments. Please keep her in her prayers as she quickly become the lone "enefu" on the orphanage compound. Also in prayer, remember the process she is going through, that she might be able to come home being an official parent of two lovely little girls.

I can't speak for the rest of the team, but my head is almost literally spinning right now. Traveling since 2 am Monday (Central standard time), 36 hours is a long time to be up without a lot of sleep. I have been through so many security checkpoints, I'm starting to reach for my baggie of liquid items for every corner I go around.

I had written a nice post about how you can help us share our stories with you last night, but it's on Stuart's computer, so I will have to have him upload it so that I can share it with you. The basic gist is, ask specific questions to particular scenarios of the trip.

Thanks for your prayers. God faithfully answered them all, and most of them in the way that we wanted them to be answered!


  1. Bravo, bravo team....this has been great to follow the journy. Now what am I going to do ?

  2. We were so excited to see Kay, Doug, and Matt. They were also so excited about their trip. I don't think Matt wanted to come home. He is planning to go back. They didn't seem tired. But they probably went home and crashed in bed. They were impressed that we had followed their activities on the blog. God has really blessed all the group and the people whose lives they touched. We will continue our prayers for Rene and the children.
    Carol and John Potter
